Frequency Muscle Testing
A Complimentary Component of Your Holistic Wellness Consultation

Muscle testing is also known as applied kinesiology. It is a biofeedback indicator of what is going on int the body.
Muscle testing allows us to determine what makes your body strong or weak via the strength or weakness of an indicator muscle. With muscle testing, you can determine what supplements and foods are helpful for your body and what are not. With this information, you are empowered to make health decisions that are effective for your own individual body at this exact moment in time.
It can also be useful to provide information for where there may structural and energetic imbalances in the body in order to find the source of the problem. Muscle testing is not a strength test. It determines whether energy is flowing in accordance with the frequency being offered in a yes/no response. Then using this we can determine what we need to bring the body to a greater state of balance.

How Does It Work?
Our bodies interact and move through the world by contracting and relaxing muscles. A practitioner will illicit either a contraction or release of certain muscles by applying gentle pressure to the muscular system. This technique unlocks the vast knowledge of the language of the body allows me to ask the body questions to determine faulty pathways that may be contributing to imbalance, illness, and symptoms.
The entire universe runs on what on we call the "law of vibration". Everything we sense - touch, taste, see, hear and smell has a vibration. Every atom has a physical vibration and has an impact on the world around itself. These vibrations therefore have an impact on our health. When it comes to supplements, food, people and even situations - the goal is to find those things, that are positive for your body and your immune system and ultimately remove or limit your exposure to the things that have a weakening effect.